About Us
Transgender Michigan’s primary mission is to provide advocacy, support and education while serving to create coalitions in the state of Michigan to unify and empower transgender and gender non-conformist communities.
To educate Michigan about gender identity and expression as well as injustices faced by transgender individuals and significant others, families, friends, and allies (SOFFAs).
To advocate for equality, social justice and inclusion of transgender individuals, significant others, families, friends, and allies (SOFFAs), and those who are perceived as gender variant.
To provide support for transgender individuals, significant others, families, friends, and allies (SOFFAs), and those who are perceived as gender variant.
History of TransGender Michigan
Susan Crocker, EA, and Rachel Crandall Crocker, MSW founded Transgender Michigan in 1997, and dedicated the organization to improving the lives of transgender individuals in Michigan. Stemming from their personal experiences as transgender-identified individuals in a society ignorant about gender differences, Susan and Rachel quickly realized the overwhelming need to unite transgender individuals throughout Michigan through an online clearinghouse for transgender information and events in Michigan. TransGender Michigan has evolved into an organization that provides a multitude of services and programs.
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